Friday, May 28, 2010

Look Inside My Make-up Bag

Alot of people ask me what my favorite make-up products are or what I use, well, here is a sneak peek inside my make-up bag and some of my all time favorites. Although most of my products are purchased in the holy land, a.k.a. Sephora, one of my best kept secrets is that all my foundation is purchased at the drug store. I, like many others, have a skin condition on my face called keratosis pilaris or most commonly called KP. Basically, it is a hereditary condition (thanks mom and dad) that looks like little red goosebumps or chicken skin on my cheeks giving me a permanent splotcy blush that I despise. I have tried every foundation on the market ranging from $100 to $10 and surprisingly the $10 not only works the best but stays put all day and night long! I am also a fan of mixing formulas to get better coverage in the areas I need it. I love putting a light coat of the Almay TLC foundation on and then going over the spots that need extra coverage with the new Loreal Foundation with built in roller applicator. The roller brush is just like a paint roller for your face and it gives you the best even coverage you will ever get. Another trick that I like is to not use brushes to apply my foundation, the warmth of your fingers serve as an excellent way for make-up to melt right into skin giving you the natural look that we strive for!

1 comment:

  1. Okay now we all know that your shit is never this neat. How long did it take you to clean everything up before you took this picture?!
